Types Of Pest Control Needed In Phoenix, Arizona
Scorpion Pest Control Phoenix
Here in Arizona, we are known for having a variety of different types of scorpions. The state of Arizona provides a climate that scorpions tend to thrive in: hot, semi-dry desert climates. Though there are dozens of scorpion species here in Arizona, there are 4 main types of scorpions in Arizona.
Types of Scorpions in Arizona
Arizona Bark Scorpion
Centruroides sculpturatus. The Arizona Bark Scorpion is found throughout Arizona and is distinguishable from other types of scorpions in Arizona by having a long slender tail, fingers and hands. These types of scorpions are the most common scorpion found inside homes in Arizona and have relatively potent venom.
Giant Hairy Scorpion
Hadrurus arizonensis. The Giant Hairy Scorpion is the largest scorpion in the United States. This species is commonly found in Arizona’s Saguaro National Park and are known for being densely covered in hair.
Stripetail Scorpion
Vaejovis spinigerus. This is Arizona’s most common species of scorpion. It is distinguished from Arizona’s other scorpions by the underlying pigment in its keel.
Yellow Ground Scorpion
Vaejovis confusus. The Yellow Ground Scorpion is commonly found throughout the Sonoran Desert and in Southeastern Arizona. It is distinguished from other types of scorpions in Arizona by its wide body shape.
Common Facts About Arizona Scorpions
The venom found in scorpions’ stingers isn’t always harmful to humans. Their venom is intended for smaller prey.
Arizona does not have the largest nor the deadliest scorpions in the world.
There are more than 30 species of scorpions in Arizona.
Deaths from scorpion stings are extremely rare.
When nighttime temperatures hit 65 degrees, scorpions begin to move around more.
People who are prone to allergic reactions or who have weakened or underdeveloped immune systems (e.g. the very young or the very old) might have severe reactions to scorpion stings.
What You Can Do
Seal up all holes in your home. Any holes in your homes foundation, roof, windows or walls can allow a scorpion easy access to your home.
Remove excess debris in your yard. Excess debris in your yard provides the perfect coverage and home for scorpions.
Add door sweeps to the space beneath your doors. Door sweeps are bristle or rubber extensions that can be added to the bottom of doors to fill up the gap and prevent scorpions and other pests from getting inside your home.
Still Need Help?
Contact us! Whether you’re looking for scorpion pest control Scottsdale or scorpion pest control Phoenix, we are your local pest removal service and the best scorpion pest control Phoenix AZ!
Harvester Ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus
Fire Ants, Solenopsis
Leafcutter Ants, Atta
Pharaoh Ant, Monomorium pharaonis
Forelius Ant, Forelius pruinosus
Ant Pest Control
Need an ant pest control service or are you searching for ant pest control near me? Ants are one of the most common types of pests in Arizona. Though ants play an important role in the ecosystem, they can also lead to property damage. Thus, it is important to be able to identify the common types of ants in Arizona to know how to remove problem ant populations.
Check out the most common types of ants in Arizona, where you are likely to find them and how to remove them.
Types of Ants in Arizona
Harvester Ants
Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Harvester ants tend to form colonies alongside gardens. For Arizona property owners, harvester ants usually only become a problem if their colonies or mounds are located close to the home. In this case, harvester ants are known for aggressively defending their mounds and inflicted painful stings.
Carpenter Ants
Camponotus. Looking for a carpenter ant pest control service? Arizona carpenter ants are often confused with termites, tend to swarm in the spring and summer months and frequently bore into wooden materials to create their colonies.
Fire Ants
Solenopsis. There are 3 main species of fire ants in Arizona, though the Southern Fire Ant is the most common. Arizona fire ants typically build their colonies outside, though they enter homes if they detect fatty or sweet foods. To control fire ant populations, the queen must be killed, in addition to mound destroyal.
Crazy Ants
Nylanderia fulva. Crazy ants get their name from the erratic way they rush around when disturbed. Arizona crazy ants are commonly found both indoors and outdoors and frequently build colonies inside potted plants.
Argentine Ants
Linepithema humile. Arizona Argentine Ants are commonly found in moist areas, such as within mulch, under debris or in the irrigated soil of an urban environment. Arizona Argentine Ant infestations are best left to a professional pest control service since they breed rapidly, create huge colonies and commonly invade human dwellings.
Forelius Ants
Forelius pruinosus. Forelius Ants are the most common type of ant found in the Tucson area.
Leafcutter Ants
Atta. Arizona Leafcutter Ants are typically found in cracks in the foundation of your home, open doors or in search of food. Infestations of Leafcutter Ants are not common within your home since they prefer the warm outdoors.
Odorous House Ants
Tapinoma sessile. Inside Arizona homes, Odorous House Ants are the most common type of ant since they prefer to build nests in areas that are warm and close to moisture.
Pavement Ants
Tetramorium caespitum. Arizona Pavement Ants are a nuisance because they tend to build nests both inside and outside. They can live in your front yard deep under the soil or in your sidewalks, driveways and foundation, making control rather difficult for homeowners.
Pharaoh Ants
Monomorium pharaonis. Arizona Pharaoh Ants can nest inside and outside homes. These ants commonly enter homes to invade pantries and build their nests in pipe chases.
Rover Ants
Brachymyrmex. Arizona Rover Ants tend to fly into your swimming pools.They tend to live in leaf litter, trash piles and moist areas, so they often show up in swimming pools or over-watered gardens.
Need An Ant Pest Control Service?
Contact us! We are your local pest removal service and ant pest control Phoenix!
German Cockroach, Blattella germanica
American Cockroach, Periplaneta americana
Oriental Cockroach, Blatta orientalis
Roach Pest Control
If you’re looking for the best pest control for roaches, you’re in luck! Here at AZ Bee Kings, our professional team can rid you of your cockroach problem in no time! There are 5 common types of cockroaches in Arizona that can be difficult to exterminate, are capable of surviving for weeks without food and are relatively resilient when it comes to getting rid of them.
Types of Cockroaches in Arizona
In the Phoenix area, 3 of the following 5 are most common: American, German and Oriental. Since cockroaches are commonly found in unsanitary areas and locations, they are potential transmitters of foodborne illnesses. This is why it is important you go with us, the best pest control for roaches in Arizona, to help you get rid of unwanted cockroaches.
German Cockroach
Blattella germanica. The German Cockroach is the smallest roach species in Arizona, rarely exceeding ½ inch. This species of cockroach is commonly found inside the kitchen of Phoenix area homes. German cockroaches are commonly introduced into homes by unaware homeowners. In Arizona, they are most exclusively found indoors because they prefer the warm, humid areas of a home.
American Cockroach
Periplaneta americana. The American Cockroach is the largest roach species in Arizona and is commonly found outside of homes in the Phoenix Metro area. American cockroaches frequently enter Arizona homes under garage and house doors.
Brown-Banded Cockroach
Supella longipalpa. Brown Banded Cockroaches need warm temperatures to survive, so they tend to be found inside homes. Brown-banded cockroaches typically enter homes via infested furniture, grocery items and even electronic products.
Oriental (Sewer) Cockroach
Blatta orientalis. The Oriental Cockroach is the most water-dependent cockroach in Arizona. Oriental cockroaches tend to come through the plumbing lines into homes and commonly breed in the sewer, hence the nickname.
Turkestan Cockroach
Blatta lateralis. Turkestan Cockroaches typically live outdoors, but can be found indoors when their population peaks in the Arizona summer. The most common sign of a Turkestan cockroach infestation in your Arizona home is when you see them flying at nighttime around your lights.
Local Roach Pest Control Arizona
The first step to getting rid of cockroaches from your home is making sure you’ve identified the cockroach correctly. The second step is to contact us.
Have an issue with roaches in or around your home? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service, the cheapest pest control for roaches and the best roach pest control Phoenix!
Spider Pest Control
Arizona’s dry climate and high temperatures make it a very desirable home for many different spider species. There are many different issues that can arise regarding spiders, but if you notice a spider infestation, the best thing you can do is contact a professional and local spider pest control service, like AZ Bee Kings. If you are in need of a spider pest control service, contact us here at AZ Bee Kings for the best spider pest control service in your local area.
Different Types of Spiders in Arizona
Here in Arizona, there are many different types of spiders. Common types of spiders in Arizona include black widows and tarantulas: while black widows are one of the most feared types of spiders in the United States, tarantulas are large hairy spiders that are typically found outdoors. Including these two types of spiders, there are 7 most common types of spiders in Arizona.
Black Widow
Brown Recluse
Giant Crab Spider
Black & Yellow Garden Spider
Jumping Spider
Wolf Spider
Black Widow Spider Pest Control
While there are 7 common types of spiders in Arizona, the only spider you should really be weary of is the black widow. Fortunately, black widows only really come out at night, so you generally don’t have to worry about them during the daytime. However, if you are concerned there may be a black widow infestation in or around your home or place of business, contact us for your black widow spider pest control service. Under no circumstances should you try to deal with a black widow infestation by yourself, without a professional spider pest control service. Here at AZ Bee Kings, we deal with all kinds of pests in and around the Phoenix metro area, including black widow spider pest control.
Local Spider Pest Control Service Arizona
Have an issue with black widow spiders or other kinds of spiders in or around your Arizona home or place of business? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service, spider pest control service and black widow spider pest control Phoenix!
House Cricket, Acheta domesticus
Tropical House Cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus
Field Cricket, Gryllus spp
Cricket Pest Control
In the Phoenix Valley area, crickets are a common insect. Crickets pose no immediate health risks to humans since they do not bite nor do they carry disease. However, this does not mean that they do not pose a threat to your Arizona home.
Crickets are known to eat through anything from wallpaper glue to wool. Extremely high numbers of house crickets in your Arizona home tend to feed on your fabrics and drywall. Field crickets are known to damage fabrics and carpeting in your Phoenix home. Additionally, if you see crickets in your Arizona home, more serious predator pests are likely to follow. Keep reading to identify the Arizona crickets, types of crickets in Arizona, why you need cricket pest control in Phoenix and how you can prevent crickets in and around your home.
Arizona Crickets: What Are They?
Typically, crickets are yellowish-brown in color and approximately 1 inch in length. Crickets are omnivores that usually eat plants, fungi and dead bugs. The landscaping in and around the Phoenix metro area provide ample food and water for cricket populations. In addition to the high food and water source for crickets in Arizona, the climate contributes to ideal nesting sites and breeding conditions.
Types of Crickets in Arizona
The House Cricket
Acheta domesticus. The House Cricket is similar to its cousin, The Grasshopper, and is the most common cricket type to invade Arizona homes. In stucco Arizona homes, the house cricket finds its way into our homes through the cracks in our foundations.
The Tropical House Cricket
Gryllodes sigillatus. The Tropical House Cricket is common in urban areas and can sometimes be found indoors. Though native to Southwestern Asia, the tropical house cricket is commonly found in Southern Arizona, as well as the southern half of all the southernmost states in the US.
The Field Cricket
Gryllus spp. The Field Cricket commonly comes out on warm summer nights and can chirp up to 30 times a minute to attract a mate.
Why You Need Cricket Pest Control in Phoenix
Crickets are relatively harmless insects unless you have a cricket infestation in your home. When you have a cricket infestation in your Arizona home, not only do you have to deal with creepy-crawly insects and their incessant chirping, but you also have to worry about the addition of other insects in your home. Though crickets are harmless by themselves, they tend to attract other pests, like scorpions and spiders into your home.
Why is this?
Crickets are a common food source for spiders and scorpions — if you have a food source available to other pests, you are increasing your chances of attracting other, potentially harmful pests onto your property. In fact, Arizona Bark Scorpion pest control encourages cricket insect pest control as the first step to Arizona scorpion pest control.
How You Can Prevent Crickets In & Around Your Home
Crickets prefer damp, moist areas to avoid drying out and overheating in the Arizona sun. Their hiding places are also often their nesting and breeding sites. Common breeding sites are under stucco and inside block walls in the Phoenix metro area. If you can identify their nesting sites, use a power sprayer to break down their nest.
Remove tempting nesting sites outside of your home. These include rock piles, clutter, compost, wood and leaf litter.
Cut back any vegetation so there is 6 inches between your home and any bushes.
The best preventative measure to keep crickets from invading your Arizona home is to seal any and all openings or cracks in your doors and windows, especially if these openings are near ground level.
Best Pest Control For Crickets in Arizona
Have an issue with crickets in or around your home? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service and cricket pest control Phoenix!
Earwig, Forficula auricularia
Earwigs tend to hide during the day in dark, damp spots, including under indoor potted plants, rugs and door mats.
Earwig Pest Control
European earwigs are commonly found in Arizona and are very recognizable due to the large pincers at the end of their body. In the Phoenix metro area, earwigs are most active at night as they eat plant material and other insects. If you’ve seen them in or around your Arizona home, you may be wondering what exactly are earwigs and how to get rid of them. Keep reading for all the best tips, tricks and earwig pest control Arizona.
What Are Earwigs?
Scientific name: Forficula auricularia
Earwigs were originally from Europe, and they were introduced into the United States in the early 1900’s.
Earwigs are omnivorous, survive in a variety of environments and are a common household insect in the United States today.
Earwigs are ⅝ of an inch in length, have a flat, reddish body with short wings and they use their strong pincers to grab and hold prey.
Where To Find Earwigs
Earwigs are most active at night and tend to hide during the day. Their daytime hiding spots include confined, damp areas such as under potted plants, under rugs or door mats and in cracks in the walls. Earwigs feed on living and decaying plant material, so if you have plants in your home, you are likely to have earwigs present.
Earwigs Arizona
Though Arizona tends to be hot and dry, our monsoon season and increase in storms creates the perfect conditions for earwigs to infest your Arizona homes. Since earwigs are often found in places where there is dampness or moisture (such as kitchens or bathrooms), an infestation of earwigs in your Arizona home is possible. If you notice a high quantity of earwigs in your Arizona home, you must act immediately to get rid of them.
Preventative Measures & Earwig Bug Control
Earwigs can be managed without insecticides.
Clean up any debris that could allow earwigs to hide (e.g. leaves, plant debris, bricks or piles of lumber).
You can trap earwigs by keeping out old newspapers or old tuna fish cans with some vegetable oil.
To prevent earwigs from entering your Arizona home, caulk and repair any obvious cracks or gaps in the outside of your house.
For those earwigs that made it inside your home, you can remove them by simply vacuuming them up or sweeping them away with a broom and dust pan.
Local Earwig Pest Control Phoenix
Have an issue with earwigs in or around your home? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service and earwig pest control Phoenix!
Silverfish, Lepisma saccharina
Silverfish are primarily a nuisance pest because they can cause serious damage to personal items and property. Old books are commonly damaged by silverfish.
Silverfish love to hide in cluttered areas. To help reduce the likelihood of a silverfish infestation, clear out your clutter and organize your valuables in airtight bins.
Silverfish Pest Control
Silverfish get their name from their silvery appearance and their fish-like shape and movements. Found throughout the United States, silverfish are typically found in dark, moist and humid environments within the home. Silverfish are skilled at hiding their presence from humans, which means that a silverfish infestation can likely go unnoticed for quite some time. If you do notice a silverfish infestation, silverfish pest control is best left up to the professionals at AZ Bee Kings. Keep reading for more information on silverfish identification, what causes silverfish and natural remedies for silverfish pest control.
What Are Silverfish?
Color: silver to brown
Shape: teardrop-shaped
Length: 12-19 mm in length or ¾ inches (not including the tail)
Antennae: yes
Legs: 6
Tail: 3 long bristles
What Causes Silverfish?
If you think you have a silverfish infestation and you are wondering, what causes silverfish?, don’t worry! There are things you can do to help eliminate the silverfish infestation. Before you can eliminate the silverfish infestation, you should know what causes silverfish.
Silverfish invade your home primarily because the environment you create is one that is appealing to them. Silverfish prefer dark, damp and moist areas. Thus, the best places to look for silverfish include the bathrooms, kitchen, attic, laundry room, closets and the basement. Additionally, any environment in which there are leftover food and water particles is ideal for silverfish. Silverfish also prefer an environment that is not too hot or not too cold: their ideal temperature is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you notice silverfish in your home, don’t worry — here at AZ Bee Kings, we can help you with all your silverfish pest control needs!
Are Silverfish Harmful?
If you’ve noticed signs of a silverfish infestation in your home, you may be wondering, are silverfish harmful? Do silverfish bite? You will be happy to know that silverfish are not considered a threat in any way to humans since they do not bite, nor do they spread disease.
In general, silverfish are just considered a nuisance pest rather than a legitimate threat. This is because silverfish can diminish quality of life in a few minor ways. For instance:
Allergies. Silverfish pest control is important even though silverfish do not pose a serious problem to human life. Though they do not transmit disease, silverfish pest control is important since they can trigger allergies in some people.
Attract other pests. Though silverfish themselves do not pose a huge threat to humans, their presence in your home can attract the presence of other, riskier pests, such as carpet beetles.
Damage to personal items/property. The primary problem associated with silverfish is the damage they can cause to your personal items or property. Silverfish tend to chew holes through upholstery, clothing or paper. In large numbers, silverfish can cause a lot of damage to your personal items a property, such as stored files, books, clothes and furniture. Oftentimes, silverfish won’t eat all the way through a material though, and it will appear as though the top layer of the material is scratched off.
Silverfish Pest Control Natural
If you’ve noticed some silverfish in your home, there are a few things you can do regarding silverfish pest control natural remedies. You might not need silverfish pest control products, just depending on the level of infestation. Check out these tips for silverfish pest control natural remedies:
Seal up all food. Use airtight containers to keep silverfish from snacking on your food.
Reduce humidity in house. Since silverfish thrive in humid, moist environments, you can take away their favorite environment by using a dehumidifier, sealing up exterior cracks and making sure your bathrooms and kitchen are well ventilated.
Clear clutter. Silverfish love hiding in and feasting upon old newspapers, books or magazines. For the stuff you haven’t looked at in quite some time, toss it; for the stuff that matters, store it in airtight bins.
Diatomaceous earth. This is a non-toxic and non-hazardous powder that can be used against silverfish and many other household pests.
Local Silverfish Pest Control Arizona
Still have an issue with silverfish in or around your home? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service and silverfish pest control Phoenix!
Getting rid of silverfish and handling silverfish pest control is best left up to the professionals if you have a silverfish infestation. If you’re concerned about silverfish pest control cost, don’t worry! At AZ Bee Kings, you can be sure we have your back and will help you take care of all of your pest problems at an affordable price.
Bumble Bee, Bombus
Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa
Honey Bee, Apis
Long-Horned Bee, Apidae
Mining Bee, Andrena
Sweat Bee, Halictidae
Bee Pest Control Phoenix
Are you searching for bee exterminator near me? You’re in luck! Here at AZ Bee Kings, we are your #1 bee pest control service in the Phoenix, Arizona metro area. For any and all bee pest control needs, we service all throughout the Phoenix, Arizona metro area.
Bees play an incredibly important role in balancing our ecosystem. For instance, they pollinate flowering plants, contribute to the continued success of our agricultural system and they produce honey, which has a myriad of health benefits. However, there are also some serious risks associated with beehives and their presence near your home can pose a serious danger if you do not adhere to the property safety measures.
First, it might be helpful to understand the different types of bees in Arizona to know the different risks associated with the different types of bees in Arizona.
Different Types of Bees in Arizona
Bumble Bees
Bombus. These are hairy bees that can grow up to an inch long and have black, orange, white and yellow bands on their body. Bumble bees are social bees that pollinate flowers and live underground.
Carpenter Bees
Xylocopa. Carpenter bees can grow up to an inch long and are often confused with bumble bees. Unlike bumble bees, carpenter bees have a shiny, black abdomen and large jaws that help them to chew through wood. Though carpenter bees aren’t typically aggressive and only the females can sting, they tend to put holes in your wooden structures (such as your home).
Cuckoo Bees
Nomada fervida. Cuckoo bees have a thin shape and are relatively hairless, making them easily confused for wasps. Cuckoo bees have yellow, red and black bands on their abdomens. They do not intentionally pollinate, though they do gather nectar.
Honey Bees
Apis. Honey bees can grow to be ¾ of an inch in length and, in Arizona, these bees have brownish-gold hairs and black stripes on their abdomen. Honey bees are social bees that pollinate and tend to make their homes in tree hollows. Though regular honey bees aren’t that much of a threat, Africanized honey bees can be highly aggressive and can attack in large swarms, making them the most dangerous stinging insects in Arizona.
Leafcutter/Mason Bees
Megachilidae/Osmia. In Arizona, Leafcutter bees (aka: Mason bees) can grow to be ¾ of an inch in length and have a black body with lighter bands on their abdomens. They are solitary and tend to build hives in wood or holes.
Long-Horned Bees
Apidae. Long-horned bees can grow up to ¾ of an inch in length and have hairy bodies with pale bands. These are pollinating bees that tend to be drawn to specific kinds of flowers, such as sunflowers.
Mining Bees
Andrena. Mining bees grow to be about ½ long and have reddish or brown hairs covering their metallic- or black-colored body. In Arizona, Mining bees tend to make nests in sandy soil.
Squash Bees
Eucerini. Squash bees are around the same size as honey bees, approximately ¾ of an inch long. They have a brownish coloring, typically next in the ground, are solitary and tend to pollinate pumpkins and gourds.
Sweat Bees
Halictidae. Sweat bees come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. While some sweat bees are small and black or brown, others are large and are metallic green or yellow in color. Additionally, some sweat bees pollinate while others do not. Sweat bees can be dangerous for some people with bee sting allergies since they are attracted to human sweat.
Yellow-Faced/Masked Bees
Hylaeus/Colletidae. Yellow-Faced, or Masked, bees are thinner than most other types of bees in Arizona. They have minimal hair and black bodies with yellow markings. They are solitary and tend to make nests in twigs and empty beetle burrows.
Dangers Associated With Bee Hive Removal
If you have a beehive near your home or place of work, it is best to leave the bee hive removal to the professionals. There are many dangers associated with bee hive removal that only those in the industry know how to handle. Absolutely do not remove a beehive by yourself without contacting a professional bee hive removal service!
Bee Stings. Bee stings release a venom into the skin, which can cause severe pain and swelling. Over time, the pain transforms into severe itchiness until it ultimately fades away. However, the recovery time for a bee sting is relatively slow and, if handling a beehive, it is common to be stung by multiple bees, making the recovery time even slower.
Bee Allergies. In a person with bee allergies, the side effects of being stung are relatively dangerous. For instance, common side effects of a bee sting for someone with bee allergies include vomiting, diarrhea, swelling, suffocation, dizziness, etc. Though it generally takes a few hours to a few days to recover from a bee sting, for someone with a bee allergy, medical assistance is required immediately and, even still, they may not recover. Additionally, if someone with a bee allergy is stung by multiple bees, they can die.
Bee Aggression. Bees can become aggressive due to two main reasons. The first reason has to do with a lack of nectar. When there is a lack of nectar in their hive, bees tend to steal it from other hives, which makes the affected bees alert and aggressive. The bees who are being stolen from release a pheromone that alerts the other bees of their affected hive and causes them all to be aggressive and protect their hive from the invading bees. Anyone in the vicinity of the pheromone-affected bees can be stung. The second main reason bees can be aggressive is if they have recently been attacked by other animals, such as raccoons or skunks. Other reasons bees can be aggressive include living in a hot environment (this is particularly important to keep in mind in Arizona!) and if they feel threatened by lawnmowers or weed eaters.
Local Bee Pest Control Arizona
Have an issue with bees around your home or place of business? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service and bee pest control Phoenix, Arizona!
Wasp Morphology
Paper Wasp, Vespidae
Mud Dauber, Sceliphron caementarium
Wasp Pest Control
Wasps are an incredibly diverse range of insects. Though most wasps are predators whose young feed on other insects or arthropods, a few have become vegetarians and collect pollen to feed their young. Generally, both sexes of wasps are strong fliers, though some species are flightless and other species rely on only one of the sexes to fly. The most commonly seen wasps in the Sonoran Desert are the paper wasps. If you think you might be in need of a wasp pest control service, don’t hesitate to contact us here at AZ Bee Kings. Check out the following types of wasps you can find in Arizona!
Types of Wasps in Arizona
Paper Wasp
Vespidae. The Paper wasp is the most common type of wasp we find around our homes. These wasps are tamer than their cousin, the yellow jacket, but they will sting if provoked. They build nests in the springtime and the colony consists of one dominant female with several worker females. In general, the paper wasp is relatively tolerant of human activity around them, though they do attack if they feel their territory is encroached upon. This is why it is best to locate and remove wasp nests early on in the season to keep the population from getting too large.
Mud Dauber
Sceliphron caementarium. The Mud Dauber wasp is the wasp that makes brown tubes on the wall, which resemble organ pipes. These wasps are not really a threat at all: they are very docile and do not tend to sting humans.
Tarantula Hawk
Pepsini. The Tarantula Hawk wasp is a solitary wasp that travels around in search of tarantula spiders. These wasps tend to have a very painful sting, though they do not often sting humans. These wasps are not considered a threat to humans.
Cicada Killer
Sphecius speciosus. The Cicada Killer wasp is one of the world’s largest wasps. These wasps are not considered a threat to humans, since they do not often sting humans. However, they are considered a nuisance due to the mess they tend to make in yards. Cicada Killer wasps are primarily found in the Village of Oak Creek near Sedona usually between June and July, and they tend to dig up yards in search of cicadas.
Yellow Jacket
Vespula. The Yellow Jacket wasp is as aggressive as the Africanized Honey Bee, though they are not very common in the Verde Valley area.
Bald-Faced Hornet
Dolichovespula maculata. The Bald-Faced Hornet has a black body and a white face. These types of wasps are not very common in the Verde Valley area.
Dangers Associated With Wasp Nest Removal
The most effective way to get rid of wasps is to deal with the main source of the problem — the nest. However, removing wasp nests can be incredibly dangerous and it is not recommended to do this without a professional wasp nest removal service, like AZ Bee Kings. When humans or other animals are close to their nest, wasps tend to feel threatened and can become aggressive. When this happens, they are likely to swarm and sting. Thus, it is crucial that if you have a wasp nest near your home or place of business, you contact the professionals here at AZ Bee Kings to arrange for a professional wasp nest treatment and local wasp pest control.
Local Wasp Pest Control Arizona
Have an issue with wasps near your home or place of business? Contact us! We are your local pest removal service and wasp pest control Phoenix!
Our Solutions to Your Pest Problems
In Arizona, bugs and pests are a 24/7, 365 day a year problem and we are here to service you so you can live a life without pests.
We offer:
One time treatments
Month to month treatments
Every other month treatments
Call NOW to set up an appointment!